《舌尖上的中国》大电影来啦!吃货们行动起来吧! - 翻译资讯 - 国译人工翻译

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It’s been a trend recently for Chinese entertainment shows to move from the small screen to the big screen. The latest follower of this trend is hit food documentary A Bite of China, which is scheduled to hit cinemas with film documentary A Bite of New Year on January 7.
move from the small screen to the big screen:从小屏幕搬上大银幕,也就是指电视剧/网络剧排成电影。
latest follower of this trend:这种趋势的最新追随者
The movie will focus on how to prepare food for the traditional Chinese Spring Festival, according to one of the directors, Chen Lei.
Director:导演。下文的directorial team就是导演组。
"We hope to find those little known but very yummy foods for Spring Festival," he said, adding that there was only room to show 43 of the 60 dishes shot in the film.
little known:不太著名的
To make a high quality food documentary, the directorial team used brand new equipment, including 4K video cameras to capture every detail at high speed and at extremely close distances.
video cameras:摄影机
Chen Xiaoqing, the artistic director for the film, said that while the Spring Festival is a remnant of the agrarian age, it still has a place in today’s modern society.
Remnant:n. 剩余物  adj. 剩余的
Agrarian:adj. 土地的;农耕的
has a place in:占有一席之地
"The Spring Festival is full of color. While the festival is losing appeal in modern times, we hope to bring back the festival by using people’s memories of the food presented in this film," Chen said.
A Bite of China is a Chinese documentary television series on the history of food, eating, and cooking in China directed by Chen Xiaoqing, narrated by Li Lihong with original music composed by Roc Chen. It first aired May 14, 2012 on China Central Television and quickly gained high ratings. The seven-episode documentary series, which began filming in March 2011, introduces the history and story behind foods of various kinds in more than 60 locations in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. The documentary has also been actively encouraged as a means of introducing Chinese food culture to those unfamiliar with local cuisine.
Narrated by:配音
gained high ratings:获得高收视率

酥油蜂蜜 Honey shortening
蜂蜜鳗鱼 Honey-glazed eel
麻辣香肠 Spicy sausage
蓝田裤带面 Lantian 'belt' noodles
清炖跳跳鱼 Stewed mudskippers
煎饼卷大葱 Pancake roll stuffed with scallions
雷山鱼酱 Leishan fish sauce
潮州春卷 Chaozhou spring roll
泉州萝卜饭 Quanzhou radish rice roll
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