经济回报的工作 economically rewarding work
视频博客 vlog
网络欺凌 cyber-bullying
黄金时代 Golden Era
顺应时代潮流 conform to the trend of the times
尊重和照顾彼此核心利益和重大关切 respect and consider each other's core interests and major concerns
和合共生 realizing harmony and coexistance
农业农村农民问题(“三农”问题) issues relating to agriculture, rural areas, and rural people
解决人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间矛盾 address the contradiction between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people’s ever-growing needs for a better life
实现全体人民共同富裕 achieve prosperity for all
“零工经济”服务 "gig economy" services
( gig gigbyte 的缩写 表示[非正式的]做名词有"临时工作"的意思)
在线招聘 online recruiting
大气污染防治行动计划 Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Air Pollution
煤改气、煤改电项目 coal-to-gas and coal-to-electricity projects
中央环境保护督查 central government inspections on environmental protection accountability
和平鸽 dove of peace
奥运圣火 Olympic flame
奥运五环 Olympic rings
奥林匹克休战墙 Olympic Truce Mural
科学方法 science-backed ways
无人化”时代 Unmanned Age
Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialist Economy with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
世界交通强国前列 leading power in the world in terms of transportation
高铁通车里程 the mileage of high-speed railway
1.扫尘 Sweep the Dust
2.灶王爷 The Kitchen God
3.写对联 Write couplets
4.剪窗花 Paper-cut for window
5.洗浴理发 Bath and Haircut
祭财神 worship the God of Wealth
春联 Spring Festival couplets
贴倒福 paste the Chinese character "Fu" upside down
窗花 paper-cut for window decoration
门神 the God of Door
灶神 the God of Kitchen
财神 the God of Wealth
土地爷the God of Land
火神 the God of Fire
顶层设计 top-level design
问题导向 problem-oriented
可回收助推火箭 reusable booster rocket
年画 New Year painting
中国结 Chinese knot
年夜饭 New Year's Eve dinner
压岁钱 gift money
反导拦截 anti-missile interception
陆基 land-based、海基 sea-based 和天基 space-based
助推段 boost phase、中段 mid-course 和末端 terminal
陆基中段导弹防御系统 ground-based midcourse missile defense system
平昌冬奥 the Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games
速度滑冰 long track speed skating
自由式滑雪 freestyle skiing
淘汰制 knockout format
斜坡道 steep ramp
遥控船 drone ship
货运飞船 cargo spacecraft
军售 arms sale
军备竞赛 arms race
风景名胜区 scenic areas
森林公园 forest parks
地质公园 geological parks
湿地公园wetland parks
水源涵养 water conservation
生物多样性维护 maintenance of biodiversity
水土保持conservation of water and soil
防风固沙 windbreak and sand fixing
水土流失控制 control of soil erosion
土地沙化控制 control of land desertification
海岸生态稳定ecological stability in coastal areas)
无障碍电梯 barrier-free elevator
自动扶梯 escalator
电梯轿厢 elevator car
电梯按钮 elevator button
竖井 vertical shaft
1 重视 attach great importance to… /priority should be given to…
2 把某事考虑在内 take sth. into account /consideration
3 某事值得做 be worth doing
4 第二大经济体 the second largest economy
5 取决于某事 Sth. depends on sth.
6 社会地位 social status
7 把时间和精力放在…上 spend time and energy / focus on…
8 身心两方面 both physically and mentally
9 提出折中提议
set forth a compromised proposal
10 社会进步的反映
A mirror of social progress