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China's Dalian Wanda Group is to buy a controlling stake in Hollywood film studio Legendary Entertainment in a deal valued at $3.5bn (£2.4bn).
Legendary is the maker of blockbuster hits such as Jurassic World, the Dark Knight Batman trilogy and Godzilla.
Wanda is the world's biggest movie theatre operator with a majority stake in the US chain AMC.
The rapidly growing group is led by China's richest man, Wang Jianlin.
Mr Wang has been looking to buy a Hollywood studio for several years and was reported to be in talks with DreamWorks Animation last year, but a deal was not announced.
The announcement, made at a press conference by both firms in Beijing, comes after a week of rumors about a possible deal.
Legendary Entertainment chairman and chief executive Thomas Tull, who also started the company, will remain as the head of the studio.

Dalian Wanda Group就是大连万达集团
a controlling stake 控股权
Legendary Entertainment 传奇影业
Blockbuster 大卖电影
Jurassic World 侏罗纪公园
 the Dark Knight Batman trilogy 黑暗骑士蝙蝠侠三部曲
Godzilla 哥斯拉
Operator 运行商
DreamWorks Animation 梦工厂动画公司
Rumor 谣言
The announcement, made at a press conference by both firms in Beijing, comes after a week of rumors about a possible deal. 这个句子有一个主语补足语。在理解句子的时候直接把主语补足语去掉,补足语即使再长也只是对主语的补充说明,并不影响句子结构。理解这种句子的时候,不论补足语多长都先直接去掉,理清句子结构后在看补足语。
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