铝行业 | aluminium industry |
初级和次级铝生产商 | primary and secondary aluminium producers |
创新解决方案 | innovative solutions |
技术先进解决方案 | technologically advanced solutions |
铝冶炼厂 | aluminium smelters |
大目标(宏伟、大胆、冒险的目标) | Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) |
高效智能工厂 | efficient and intelligent factory |
价值观(尊重、创造力、享受、家庭、客户满意度) | values (respect, creativity, enjoyment, family, customer satisfaction) |
制造车间 | manufacturing workshop |
研发(R&D) | Research and Development (R&D) |
售后服务 | after-sales service |
车间区域 | workshop area |
工作流程管理 | workflow management |
客户关系管理(CRM) | Customer Relationship Management (CRM) |
采购(买家、仓库管理员、物流专家) | purchasing (buyers, stockists, logistics experts) |
自动化与调试(工程师、技术员、软件架构师、工业程序员) | automation & commissioning (engineers, technicians, software architects, industrial programmers) |
企业资源规划(ERP)系统 | Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system |
质量与改进(质量专家、持续改进工程师) | quality & improvement (quality experts, continuous improvement engineers) |
销售与市场营销(销售代表、客户服务和市场营销专家) | sales & marketing (sales representatives, customer service and marketing specialists) |
机器人技术 | Robotics |
冶金 | Metallurgy |
技术转让 | Technological Transfer |
全球铝行业领导者 | global leader in the aluminium industry |
高质量成品 | high-quality finished products |
非金属夹杂物 | non-metallic inclusions |
机械性能影响 | mechanical property impact |
铝加工 | aluminium processing |
工业铝型材 | industrial aluminium profiles |
绿色建筑 | green building |
轻量化 | lightweighting |
阳极氧化 | anodizing |
电泳涂装 | electrophoretic coating |
粉末喷涂 | powder coating |
氟碳喷涂 | fluorocarbon spraying |
可持续发展 | sustainable development |
环保生产 | environmental protection production |
能源管理 | energy management |
循环经济 | circular economy |
除气效率 | degassing efficiency |
夹杂物去除率 | inclusion removal rate |
铝加工设备智能化升级改造 | intelligent upgrading and transformation of aluminium processing equipment |
设备远程监控与故障诊断技术 | remote monitoring and fault diagnosis technology for equipment |
设备维护保养智能化管理系统 | intelligent management system for equipment maintenance |
铝加工产品表面质量提升技术 | technology for improving the surface quality of aluminium processing products |
无损检测技术在铝产品中的应用 | application of non-destructive testing technology in aluminium products |
智能制造解决方案 | intelligent manufacturing solutions |
绿色供应链构建 | construction of a green supply chain |
产品生命周期管理 | product life cycle management |
风险评估与应对策略 | risk assessment and response strategies |
产品创新设计理念与方法 | concepts and methods of product innovation design |
全球市场布局 | global market layout |
品牌价值提升 | brand value enhancement |
企业社会责任履行 | fulfillment of corporate social responsibility |
供应链管理优化 | optimization of supply chain management |
环保法规合规性 | compliance with environmental regulations |
智能工厂建设 | intelligent factory construction |
铝加工智能制造新模式探索 | exploration of new models of intelligent manufacturing in aluminium processing |
数字化技术在产品设计、生产、销售全流程的应用 | application of digital technology in the whole process of product design, production and sales |
人工智能技术在铝加工质量控制中的应用 | application of artificial intelligence technology in aluminium processing quality control |
全球资源整合能力提升 | improvement of global resource integration ability |
市场竞争态势分析 | analysis of market competition situation |
数字化转型战略与路径 | digital transformation strategy and path |
铝废料回收与再利用技术创新 | innovation in aluminium scrap recycling and reuse technology |
绿色环保技术研发应用 | research and application of green environmental protection technology |
下一篇:Mining Industry Vocabulary