在BBC One的这部大制作里,常规的剧情设置是在21世纪的伦敦街头,时尚高冷的咨询侦探夏洛克·福尔摩斯和他的好搭档、约翰·华生医生,拿着智能手机,穿梭在地铁和摩天大楼里,一边花式秀智(en)商(ai),一边消灭罪案的故事。
在BBC放出的这张动态海报里,细心的福尔摩斯迷们发现,大侦探烟斗上的轻烟里,就映出这位the abominable bride“可恶的新娘”的影像;而华生的位置,可刚好是在福尔摩斯的心脏里呢。
Spoilers ahead!
1. 华生的阿富汗经历
Both A Study In Pink and The Abominable Bride start with Watson waking up from a nightmare of his time in an Afghan war, centuries apart.
2. 卷福、花生和酱油帝
Joining the regular cast’s Victorian counterparts is actor David Nellist as Mike Stamford, who appeared once previously as the mutual friend who first introduced John and Sherlock in A Study In Pink.
作为世界文学史上最著名的CP,福尔摩斯和华生是怎么在一起的?这就要感谢他们共同的朋友——Mike Stamford。演员David Nellist在迷你剧和大电影中都打了个酱油——可能是大家最喜闻乐见的酱油帝。
3. 酒吧和海报
Watson and Stamford drink in the Criterion Bar in A Study In Scarlet, the name partially obscured on the window behind them in The Abominable Bride. A poster advertising The London Fair can be seen behind Watson and Stamford. (The same poster is later seen on the street where the bride performs her ‘suicide’, despite several years having passed in the narrative of the episode.)
在原著《血字的研究》中,华生和酱油帝Stamford在Criterion Bar里小酌了几杯;大电影中也闪现了酒吧的招牌。此外,哪怕已经过了几年,二人背后关于London Fair的海报也在新娘”自杀“的街头神奇出现。
4. 华生喜感小胡子的由来
When Watson tells Mrs Hudson “Blame it on the illustrator, he’s out of control. I’ve had to grow this moustache just so people will recognise me”, he’s referring to Sidney Paget, illustrator of the original Holmes stories. Paget is thought to have based his illustrations of Sherlock Holmes on his younger brother, Walter.
华生对房东哈德森太太抱怨说,“都怪那个无厘头的插画师,我必须蓄起小胡子了;这样人们才能认得我。”这位插画师叫Sidney Paget,在早期的福尔摩斯小说中,他按照弟弟Walter的长相创造了大侦探的形象。(柯南道尔可是没提到猎鹿帽和斗篷的哦!)
5. 穿越的咖啡馆
“Speedy’s Café” above which are Holmes and Watson’s rooms at 221B Baker Street (North Gower Street for anyone who wants to go looking) in the BBC’s modern Sherlock, has been transformed for the occasion into the more Victorian-appropriate “Speedwells Restaurant and Tea Rooms”.
BBC迷你剧中,在大名鼎鼎的贝克街221B楼下,就是Speedy’s Café(斯皮迪咖啡馆)。而在大电影中的维多利亚时代,这里摇身一变,成了古色古香的“Speedwells Restaurant and Tea Rooms”(斯皮德威尔餐厅和茶室)。
6. 墙上的鹿头
In the space usually occupied by a bison skull (in front of which Mary was memorably framed in The Sign Of Three, giving the illusion that she had devil horns) in the modern 221B is this stag head. An ear trumpet stands in for the headphones usually adorning the bison skull.
7. 真的是骷髅吗?
The painting of a skull that hangs on the wall of the modern 221B Baker Street has been replaced by a Victorian image of a lady at her toilet, which, when viewed from a distance, looks like a skull.
8. 巴斯克维尔猎犬
On the mantelpiece is a statuette of a hound, a deliberate reference according to Mark Gatiss, to “the dog one”, aka The Hound Of The Baskervilles.
大电影里处处都有致敬情节。电影编剧、同时也是侦探哥哥Mycroft扮演者的Mark Gatiss也提到,侦探寓所的壁炉上方有一个猎犬的雕像,“这个狗狗”就是巴斯克维尔猎犬。
9. 麦哥的笔记本
Finally, Mycroft’s notebook features all manner of interesting scribbles, no doubt designed to get fan-brains deducing. Redbeard, we learnt in His Last Vow, was the name of Sherlock’s childhood dog and according to Augustus Magnussen, one of Sherlock’s “pressure points”. As for Vernet, the binary, scarlet roll and the rest of it, over to you…
侦探哥哥Mycroft的笔记本也充满了有趣的涂鸦,当然,就是为了让我们烧脑的。在迷你剧第三季第三集《最后的誓言》中,Redbeard(红胡子)是大反派Augustus Magnussen发现的侦探的“痛点”。这是福尔摩斯孩提时的狗狗。而Vernet、二进制和Scarlet Roll,又代表什么呢?你懂的……
10. 痴肥的麦哥
Mycroft “increased” matches Doyle’s original description of Sherlock’s brother in The Bruce Partington Plans as “heavily built and massive” with a “gross body”. (His words, not ours.) Incidentally, Mycroft and Sherlock’s discussion of “the Manor House case” and “Adams” here is borrowed from Doyle story The Greek Interpreter.
The game, my dear watson, is afoot!
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