文豪vs土豪丨快来看,英国发行莎士比亚银币啦! - 笔译 - 国译人工翻译

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International Business Times(国际财经时报)消息,2016新年伊始,英国皇家造币厂发行了一套三枚的2英镑银币,以纪念伟大的文学家莎士比亚逝世400周年。



The Royal Mint has released a series of new coins for 2016 including a £2 with a representation of Hamlet's court jester Yorick's skull to mark the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare's death. The coins that have been revealed today (1 January) will feature three designs to represent the Bard's work.


The skull placed next to a thorny rose represents Shakespeare's tragedies while the history plays are represented by a £2 coin with a crown design, and his comedy works are reflected by a motif of a jester's hat.



1000多年来,英国皇家造币厂(The Royal Mint)不仅发行着人们口袋中的钱币,还铸造着一个又一个“不列颠英雄”和“英国故事”。


2016年年度套币包含八枚英镑的法定币和八枚纪念币,以铭记全年的重要事件和历史上的伟大时刻,包括威廉·莎士比亚逝世400周年、1666年伦敦大火(The Great Fire of London)350周年、黑斯廷斯战役(The Battle of Hastings)950周年等。

为庆祝女王90岁寿辰,也将发行一枚纪念币,即2016年索维林币(The Sovereign)。其背面依然采用为人所熟知的圣乔治和龙的设计,但是您或许会注意到,这枚旗舰精制币的正面上的女王头像是专门为纪念英女王90岁诞辰所设计,且仅用在这一年纪念币上。这是女王伊丽莎白二世登基后第二次在索维林精制币上用纪念头像,上一次是在1989年。




2016莎翁纪念币:喜剧 Comedies



2016莎翁纪念币:历史剧 Histories



2016莎翁纪念币:悲剧 Tragedies




by The Royal Mint




The 2016 UK coin designs revealed

November 5, 2015 by Dan Oliver

It’s been an exciting week for UK coin collectors and if you’ve not been following the announcements on Facebook or Twitter then this article should bring you up to speed! Those of you who have been collecting coins fora few years or more will know that November is normally an exciting time at The Royal Mint, as the coins of the following year are released. So, you’ll be excited to learn that on Monday the new coins for 2016 were announced! In total, eight 2016 UK coins have been revealed alongside The Sovereign for 2016.

The 400th Anniversary of the Death of Shakespeare 2016 UK £2 Coins

William Shakespeare remains a household name 400 years after his death, and his writing is still central to our everyday languageand school curriculum today. Shakespeare’s works make many references to coins, so it is apt that for 2016, three £2 coins reflect three aspects of his work: Tragedies, Histories and Comedies.




William Shakespeare, 26 April 1564 (baptised) – 23 April 1616, was an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet, and the "Bard of Avon". His extant works, including collaborations, consist of approximately 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and a few other verses, some of uncertain authorship. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.


威廉•莎士比亚(受浸于1564年4月26日,逝世于1616年4月23日),英国诗人、剧作家和艺术家,被普遍赞为英语言圣殿中的最伟大作家,以及世界上最伟大的剧作家。他被成称为英国的国民诗人或埃文的诗人(Bard of Avon)。他的作品包括38部戏剧,154首十四行诗,2篇长篇叙事诗、几首较短的诗歌以及一些未署名的著作。莎士比亚的戏剧几乎被译成世界上每一种主要语言的版本,在全世界被表演的次数要超过任何其它戏剧。很多作品还被改编成电视剧和电影。



上一篇:Are you SHERLOCKed?丨神夏穿越维多利亚时代!
