制造业 | Manufacturing Industry |
生产线 | Production Line |
制造工艺 | Manufacturing Process |
自动化生产 | Automated Production |
生产设备 | Production Equipment |
加工 | Processing |
车间 | Workshop |
质量控制 | Quality Control |
精密制造 | Precision Manufacturing |
生产计划 | Production Planning |
物料需求计划 | Material Requirement Planning (MRP) |
车间管理 | Workshop Management |
生产调度 | Production Scheduling |
库存管理 | Inventory Management |
供应链管理 | Supply Chain Management |
产品设计 | Product Design |
产品生命周期 | Product Life Cycle |
工艺改进 | Process Improvement |
生产效率 | Production Efficiency |
生产成本 | Production Cost |
节能 | Energy Saving |
设备维护 | Equipment Maintenance |
设备管理 | Equipment Management |
设备采购 | Equipment Procurement |
智能制造 | Smart Manufacturing |
工业机器人 | Industrial Robot |
三维打印 | 3D Printing |
增材制造 | Additive Manufacturing |
生产优化 | Production Optimization |
生产工艺流程 | Production Workflow |
多品种小批量生产 | Small-batch Production of Multiple Products |
流水线 | Assembly Line |
模具 | Mold |
模具制造 | Mold Making |
冲压 | Stamping |
焊接 | Welding |
铸造 | Casting |
精密铸造 | Precision Casting |
锻造 | Forging |
注塑 | Injection Molding |
自动化设备 | Automated Equipment |
机器人技术 | Robotics Technology |
激光切割 | Laser Cutting |
数控机床 | CNC Machine Tools |
精密加工 | Precision Machining |
装配 | Assembly |
质量检测 | Quality Inspection |
产品测试 | Product Testing |
不良品 | Defective Products |
产品修复 | Product Repair |
试生产 | Pilot Production |
批量生产 | Mass Production |
生产效率提升 | Production Efficiency Improvement |
流程控制 | Process Control |
产品改良 | Product Improvement |
生产能力 | Production Capacity |
工艺改进 | Process Enhancement |
自动化控制 | Automation Control |
计算机集成制造 | Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) |
工作站 | Workstation |
生产线布局 | Production Line Layout |
成本控制 | Cost Control |
劳动分工 | Labor Division |
生产模式 | Production Mode |
技术改造 | Technological Renovation |
质量管理体系 | Quality Management System |
ISO认证 | ISO Certification |
六西格玛 | Six Sigma |
生产率 | Productivity |
产品标准 | Product Standards |
机械加工 | Machining |
装配线 | Assembly Line |
生产车间 | Manufacturing Workshop |
生产运营 | Production Operations |
生产管理 | Production Management |
车间工人 | Workshop Worker |
厂房 | Factory Building |
仓库 | Warehouse |
装配测试 | Assembly Testing |
流程管理 | Flow Management |
设备检查 | Equipment Inspection |
设备维修 | Equipment Repair |
装配工艺 | Assembly Process |
生产流程 | Manufacturing Process Flow |
产品追溯 | Product Traceability |
定制生产 | Custom Manufacturing |
产业升级 | Industrial Upgrading |
产品优化 | Product Optimization |
工作环境 | Work Environment |
生产设施 | Production Facilities |
工程技术 | Engineering Technology |
生产创新 | Production Innovation |
工人培训 | Finance And Futures Industry Vocabulary