










Mr. Trump has convinced me to give my daughter some tough love. To expose her to critical opinions, to make her listen to views she might not like or agree with.



本文选自The New York Times | 取经号原创翻译

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Recently, during a visit to Switzerland, I watched two kids beat each other to a pulp on a crowded playground while their parents looked on. I had to quell every American helicopter parent impulse in my body not to intervene.


beat (someone) to a pulp: to deliver a violent and prolonged physical attack, often to the point of injury. 把某人打得鼻青脸肿,死去活来

helicopter parent: a parent who is overly attentive and doting toward their child or children. The term comes from the notion that they are “hovering” around their children at all times. 指过分关注孩子生活中的经历和问题的父母,他们像直升飞机一样整天盘旋在孩子的身边


Surprisingly, playgrounds in Switzerland are lawless zones. Twenty-five years ago, when I moved to Zurich from the United States in the fifth grade, I was mercilessly bullied by my classmates. They changed the indiscriminately terrifying name of the favored playground game “Alle Gegen Alle” (“Everyone Against Everyone”) to “Alle Gegen Annie” (“Everyone Against Annie”). The game consisted of throwing a handball at somebody as hard as humanly possible. The rest of the students jumped at the chance to pummel the newcomer with all their pent-up, prepubescent rage. Frantically, I looked around for assistance, but there was no grown-up in sight.

在瑞士,儿童玩耍的操场是无法无天的地带,这是很让人意外的。二十五年前,小学五年级的我从美国搬到苏黎世,也遭受了同学们无情的欺凌。他们把那人人都玩、却人人都怕的操场游戏“Alle Gegen Alle”(人人为敌)改成了“Alle Gegen Annie”(瞄准安妮),游戏内容只有一个:拿球对准某个人,用尽吃奶的力气砸过去。那些尚未进入青春期的学生们雀跃不已,因为他们终于有机会对新同学穷追猛打,以此发泄积郁已久的怒气。狂乱无助的我放眼四周寻求帮助,可目力所及的范围内,一个大人也没有。


Until then, I had never really known conflict; I had not learned to defend myself. At even a whiff of drama on the playground of my Missouri public school, the monitor would race over with her whistle hanging commandingly around her neck. In contrast, Swiss parents believe that if children learn to resolve their own conflicts early on, they will be more autonomous and confident later in life. According to the author Sara Zaske and others who advocate German parenting models, this laid-back approach was a deliberate move away from the strict child-rearing practices associated with authoritarianism.



Eventually, my mother could no longer endure my suffering and, on one fateful day, unbeknown to me, marched to my school to lecture my tormentors. After that, I was left alone, but nobody ever invited me to take part in another birthday party or game of mutual destruction.



The presidency of Donald Trump shows me just why it is so important to expose ourselves — especially our children — to conflict. If you examine him through the lens of playground politics, you will recognize Mr. Trump as a thin-skinned bully who seems incapable of stomaching criticism or opposition. At the same time, he postures as a victim, vacillatingbetween venomous outcries at his foes and the desperate need for validation from his fans.


vacillate / ˈvæsəleɪt/ v. ~ (between sth and sth) (fml usu derog 文, 通常作贬义) keep changing one’s mind; move backwards and forwards between two emotions (思想)动摇不定; 犹豫; (在两种情绪之间)变化不定

venomous /ˈvenəməs/ adj. full of hatred or anger 邪恶的,憎恶的


The problem with America — Mr. Trump’s playground — is that we’ve developed an insular, conflict-averse culture. The president’s trolling is so effective, in part, because many of us have not learned how to deal with interpersonal conflict, starting with the playground. We must learn to defend ourselves so that when Donald Trump or any other bully taunts us, we can rise to the occasion.


trolling n. Being a prick on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it’s the internet and, hey, you can. 网络俚语,最初是指在公共论坛等讨论区故意挑起争端,然后坐看他人互相攻击,现在也指用尖酸刻薄的言辞攻击无辜围观群众的行为,不论主动还是被动的。在中文中会根据具体情况而指代网络文化圈的“钓鱼”、“引战”或者“喷”的行为。


Most of us, liberals and conservatives alike, live in well-insulated echo chambers where Rachel Maddow or Sean Hannity deliver more eloquent renditions of our own opinions in hyperbolic form. No wonder the American political system is suffering from an epic communication breakdown. Ensconced in our cocoons, we have lost the ability to talk to people with different views.


Rachel Maddow:American television host, liberal political commentator, and author. Maddow became the first openly gay anchor to host a major prime-time news program in the United States.美国MSNBC频道晚间节目《蕾切尔·玛多秀》的主持人,时事评论员兼作家,也是美国第一个公开出柜的黄金时段新闻主播。

Sean Hannity:American talk show host, author, and conservative political commentator. Hannity is the host of The Sean Hannity Show, a nationally syndicated talk radio show. He also hosts a cable news show, Hannity, on Fox News. 美国的一位广播和电视节目主持人、作家、保守派政治评论员。他是福斯新闻频道《肖恩·汉尼提秀》的主持人,也是三本纽约时报畅销书的作者,在2016年的美国大选中强烈支持特朗普。

cocoon / kəˈkuːn / n. silky covering made by an insect larva to protect itself while it is a chrysalis 茧


I was as shocked as many people were when Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election. As one of my friends mused:” How could Hillary lose? All my Facebook friends voted for her.” This monumental distortion of perspectives has culminated in the Trump administration’s genius postmodern claim that any unfavorable facts are “fake news.” But many liberals woke up on Nov. 9 also declared the election fake news.



A few weeks ago, during a play date, my daughter and her best friend were sitting across the table from another 4-year-old, having an after-school snack. The peace was interrupted by my daughter, who noted, “Nina is sitting next to nobody.” A banal observation quickly turned into a nasty refrain that my daughter and her strategically situated friend sang over and over. Nina is sitting next to nobody. Nina is sitting next to nobody.



One of the hardest choices parents face is when to intervene in our children’s lives. Each day we are forced to make countless micro decisions that, en masse, add up to a de facto parenting philosophy.



My daughter’s taunts sounded so familiar — the trolling of an innocent victim who happened to draw the ire of a powerful, vocal bully. I wanted to let the children learn to deal with conflict on their own terms. But when Nina looked about to cry, I relented:” Guys, please apologize to Nina for hurting her feelings.” It was, after all, America, and I wanted my daughter to have friends.



Kids don’t live in a bubble, so why do we try to shelter them from conflict? One of the earliest lessons you learn at school is about the boundless cruelty of other children. And that bullies can win. Yet contrary to these early playground lessons in realpolitik, children are consistently taught to avoid conflict by well-meaning parents, teachers and caregivers because that’s how we want the world to work. We raise our children in gilded playpens, shielding them from criticism and alternative views.



Mr. Trump has convinced me to give my daughter some tough love. To expose her to critical opinions, to make her listen to views she might not like or agree with. I don’t want her to lose it when somebody like Donald Trump is elected. More than anything, I want her to be able to defend herself and fight back.



I want my daughter to learn to say no confidently and unapologetically. Dealing with conflict is also about standing up for yourself as a woman, whether a man is talking over you at a meeting or trying to engage in unwanted sexual behavior. If we learn early how to have difficult or uncomfortable conversations up front, we don’t need others to fill in the gaps, make our decisions or read our minds. But if we can’t stand up to conflict, we risk becoming the snowflakesthat the Donald Trumps and the wagging tongues on the right make us out to be.


snowflake generation:The generation of people who became adults in the 2010s, viewed as being less resilient and more prone to taking offense than previous generations. “雪花一代”指的是于本世纪第二个10年长大成人的一代人,与前一代人相比,他们被认为缺乏坚韧性格,更加玻璃心。被列为“雪花一代”可能意味着爱玩自拍或者过多谈论自己的感受等无害的习性,但它也可能暗示你是富二代,无可救药地自恋,或者意味着一种抵制言论自由的身份政治。


Finally, I want my daughter to think about the larger world, beyond the echo chamber that narrowly reflects her own experiences and views. I want her to think beyond the “me” in #MeToo. I want her to think about women, but I also want her to think of men, of the poor, minorities and the people who might not be part of the most trendy Instagram hashtag.



Because all I’ve heard for the past 18 months is about Donald Trump.


