番外篇:哈利·波特与要命的特朗普 - 同声传译 - 国译人工翻译

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作者:Diana C. Mutz, University of Pennsylvania

版权:© Cambridge University Press





策划: 朱小钊 


Harry Potter and the Deathly Donald



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Similarities between Donald Trump and Harry Potter’s nemesis, Lord Voldemort, have not gone without notice during the 2016 campaign. Such comparisons could amount to little more than poking fun at a political opponent. More recently, however, even Trump supporters seem to be buying into the analogy, purchasing Trump posters featuring their candidate in front of an American flag as backdrop, with a quote from the Dark Lord himself: “There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it”.

早在2016年美国总统大选时,就有人在唐纳德·特朗普的身上看到了哈利波特的头号死敌——“伏地魔”的影子。 把特朗普比作“伏地魔”可能只不过是政客间的一种相互戏谑而已,可是最近,就连特朗普的支持者也开始这么认为了,在他们买的海报上,除了印有特朗普站在美国国旗前的图案,还引用了“伏地魔”的一句话——“世上没有善与恶,只有掌权者和无能的弱者。”






The political messages of this wildly popular series have been hotly debated by literary critics. It has been attacked by both conservatives and liberals alike. For example, a review in the liberal Guardian described it as conservative and paternalistic. Other critics from the Left faulted it for being sexist, with patriarchal stereotypes and adherence to “the conventional assumption that men do and should run the world”. Still others critiqued it for promoting free market values and a “culture of competition” .

《哈利·波特》系列大受欢迎,其背后的政治内涵也引发了文学评论家的激烈争论。不论保守派还是自由派都对它加以抨击。例如,在偏自由主义的《卫报》上,有一篇评论评价《哈利波特》“保守且带有家长式作风”。其他左派批评家则拿“性别歧视”说事,认为它带有父权制的刻板印象,并且拘泥于“世界本来就应该由男性主宰”的传统观念。 还有一些人批评它助长了自由市场价值观和“竞争文化”。

Adherence[ədˈhɪrəns] n. the fact of behaving according to a particularrule, etc, or of following a particular set of beliefs, or a fixed way of doingsth依附; 坚持


Conservatives, meanwhile, have criticized the books and movies for promoting a liberal political agenda. As one critic put it, the stories “are, in fact, a ferocious critique of consumer society and the world of free enterprise”. When author J.K. Rowling suggested that Albus Dumbledore was gay, Bill OTReilly asked if it was part of a “gay agenda” to indoctrinate children: “By dubbing someone so respected, so talented and so kind, as someone who just happens to be also homosexual, she’s reinforcing the idea that a person’s gayness is not something of which they should be ashamed.” Although author J.K. Rowling denies having had a specific political agenda, as she further explained, “I wanted Harry to leave our world and find the same problems in the wizarding world…hierarchy…about the importance of group purity.” Lord Voldemort supports the eradication of mixed-blood wizards (so called “half-bloods”) as well as muggles (non-wizards), mudbloods (muggle-born wizards) and squibs (wizard-born non-wizards). During Voldemort’s time in power, people live in constant fear that they will be killed, either for having impure blood or for sympathizing with those who do. In Harry’s world, “werewolves were subject to discrimination as if they had AIDS”.



In comparison, Donald Trump has called for a temporary moratorium on Muslim immigration.1 Further, Trump falsely claimed that American Muslims in New Jersey celebrated the attacks on September 11, 2001, and has suggested establishing a national database to register all Muslims.


Moratorium[ˌmɔrəˈtɔriəm] n. a temporary stopping of an activity, especially by official agreement(行动,活动等的)暂停,暂禁



Muslims are not alone in incurring Trump’s wrath. Trump has on several occasions stereotyped and insulted women, those with disabilities, and Asians, who according to his statement at an event in Iowa, dispense with introductory pleasantries to say, “We want deal!”He also has offended Mexicans and immigrants by describing those crossing the United States’ southern border as “rapists.” Trump attacked federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel, the judge presiding over a lawsuit against Trump University, for having Mexican ancestry




Despite differing perceptions of the books’ prevailing ideology, there is a consensus surrounding at least three themes. These include 1) the value of tolerance and respect for difference; 2) opposition to violence and punitiveness; and 3) the dangers of authoritarianism. These same three themes are prominent in coverage of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Because Trump’s political views are widely viewed as opposed to the values espoused in the Harry Potter series, exposure to the Potter series may play an influential role in affecting how Americans respond to Donald Trump.

怎么看待《哈利·波特》系列书籍中占主导地位的意识形态问题?尽管答案见仁见智,但在至少三个主题上,人们达成了共识。 包括:1)包容差异、尊重差异非常可贵2)反对暴力和惩戒 3)独裁主义后患无穷。 这也是2016年唐纳德·特朗普在总统竞选中的三大突出主题。 由于人们普遍认为,特朗普的政治主张与《哈利·波特》所信奉的价值观相对立,因此阅读该系列后,美国人对唐纳德·特朗普的看法可能会受到影响。

Espouse [ɪˈspaʊz] vt. to give your support to a belief, policy, etc拥护; 赞助


Tolerance of Difference




As Gerson and others have noted, “Tolerance is one of the main themes of the Harry Potter books.” The protagonists are quite mindful of discriminatory practices and the need to protect those vulnerable to unequal treatment. For example, Hermione forms a “Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare to improve life for oppressed house-elves. Likewise, Harry frees the house-elf, Dobby, from enslavement by Lucius Malfoy, a decision that later helps him win the battle of good over evil. Further, Harry is himself mixed “race” with a father who was a wizard and a mother born to muggle parents. When Potter’s young son expresses prejudice against Slytherin, the house of many of Harry’s opponents, he is quickly reprimanded by his father who tells him that the bravest man he ever knew was a Slytherin.


Reprimand [ˈreprɪmænd] vt. to tell sb officially that you do not approve of them or their actions谴责; 惩戒; 责难


2、哈利波特的儿子Albus Severus Potter,名字的首字母ASP阿斯普就是一条蛇,而斯莱特林学院的标志就是蛇。斯莱特林学院的名声不是很好,因为英国的大部分黑巫师都出自这里,比如汤姆·马沃罗·里德尔,即后来的伏地魔。食死徒中的大部分也是从斯莱特林学院走出的。它们的传统对手是格兰芬多学院。)


Opposition to Punitive Policies




The Harry Potter series also promotes non-violent means of conflict resolution. Although the stories themselves include plenty of violence and even death, these actions are perpetrated strictly by those on the side of evil: “Using violence freely and indiscriminately is a characteristic of bad people”. The wizard protagonists also avoid the use of curses for killing, for torture, and for the ability to control another. In contrast, Voldemort is willing to kill many times in order to split his soul into seven horcruxes and attain immortality; the ends justify the means. Harry Potter, on the other hand, refuses to kill, even in his final battle with Voldemort. Instead, Potter resorts to disarming his enemies as his major means of protection.



Donald Trump again aligns more with Voldemort than Potter, suggesting that “torture works” and that if elected president he will bring back waterboarding, which he has dubbed a “minimal form of torture.” As one headline put it, “Donald Trump is running to be America’s next top torture president.”2 He has even advocated killing the families of terrorists as a means of deterrence.




Trump’s campaign also has become associated with violence. Although Trump himself says this is merely a “media fabrication,”he has praised his supporters’ acts of violence against protesters at his rallies. Trump has made public comments encouraging his supporters and security personnel to punch, eject and “knock the crap” out of protesters, whom he views as “bad dudes.”






The protagonists in Harry Potter are united in their opposition to authoritarian characters in the novels. Of course, the most promi¬nent authoritarian in these stories is Voldemort. Readers have long noted similarities between Voldemort and Hitler, and Rowling herself has acknowledged these parallels. Likewise, Trump’s fas¬cist leanings have not gone unnoticed. Consistent with authoritarian principles, he promises order as well as dominance over all potential threats. As does Voldemort, Trump portrays himself as a strongman who can bend others to his will, be they the Chinese government or terrorists. His open admiration for Vladmir Putin—“at least he’s a leader’’ caused Joe Scarborough to point out that many of Putin’s opponents end up dead.

在《哈利·波特》系列小说中,主人公们联手反对独裁者。当然,头号独裁者便是“伏地魔”。他和希特勒的相似之处早已引起了读者的注意,也得到了罗琳自己的承认。特朗普的法西斯主义倾向同样也无法忽视。他承诺恢复秩序,镇压所有潜在的威胁,这与专制主义别无二致。 不论对中国还是恐怖组织,特朗普都和“伏地魔”一样表现得像一个铁腕人物,所有人都要对他惟命是从。他对弗拉基米尔·普京公开表示赞赏,认为“至少他是一个领导人”,这样的言论也让乔·斯卡伯勒评论道注:《早安,乔》(Morning Joe)的主持人,普京的很多政敌都难逃一死。






Can Harry Potter defeat Donald Trump? Is his orange wig actually a horcrux that, if captured, could weaken the strength of his electoral base? Just as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named gains power from having others refer to him, is Trump’s appeal likewise a function of nonstop media fascination and repetition? These questions remain to be answered.

哈里·波特能击败唐纳德·特朗普吗? 特朗普头上的橙色假发会不会其实是一个魂器,只要控制了它,就能打压特朗普的竞选团队? 在《哈利·波特》中,所有巫师都不敢直呼“伏地魔”的名字,而是用“那个连名字都不能提的人”等称呼来指代他,这无形中也加强了“伏地魔”的威慑力;同样地,媒体从不间断、天花乱坠地报道特朗普,会不会反而提高了他的支持率?这些问题有待回答。




The messages of tolerance for difference and opposition to violence and punitive policies appear to be influential in altering Harry Potter readers’ policy views, as well as their support for Trump, even after controlling for their impact on policy attitudes.



Perhaps most importantly, these findings raise the hope that Harry Potter can stop the Deathly Donald and make America great again in the eyes of the world, just as Harry did by ridding the wizard world of Voldemort. By the end of the series, in an obvious Christian analogy, Harry comes to accept the necessity of his own death for the sake of love. The underlying message is that love is stronger than death, thus loyalty and courage are required to resist the temptation to respond to aggressive tactics with still more aggression. If half-bloods, werewolves and others should be treated with respect and fairness as the Potter stories teach, so too should all human beings.

也许最重要的是,有关《哈利·波特》的这些研究给人们带来了希望,或许就像他为魔法世界除掉了“伏地魔”一样,哈利·波特能够阻止“致命的特朗普”,并让世界重新看到美国的崛起。在小说结尾,哈利为爱毅然赴死,此举明显带有基督教色彩。这里的潜台词是,爱比死亡更伟大,因此忠勇之人必须抵抗诱惑,不以暴制暴。 若像《哈利·波特》所教导的,应该尊重并平等对待混血巫师、狼人以及其他物种,那么对待人类也理应如此。


