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Since the dawn of democracy, there have always been those, to paraphrase Socrates, who try to make the weaker argument appear the stronger and who care more about winning debates than being truthful. 









Since the dawn of democracy, there have always been those, to paraphrase Socrates, who try to make the weaker argument appear the stronger and who care more about winning debates than being truthful. 


In ancient Greece, these were called Sophists – and they would have loved Twitter and Facebook.


Social media has given rise to a new golden age of sophistry – aided and abetted by blind partisanship. The only way to overcome it –the only way to lift our national discourse out of the gutter – is to heed Washington’s words and take pains to bring truth to light.

诡辩术因为社交媒体而步入一个新黄金时代—并且由盲目的党派关系辅助和怂恿。克服它的唯一方法,也就是将我们全国对话从泥潭中摆脱的唯一方法 - 就是听取华盛顿的话,并努力将真理大白于天下。

Those pains are the burden of citizenship in a democracy. And a great education does not relieve them. It intensifies them. This is especially true, I believe, for graduates of a university bearing the name Washington.


All of you have been part of this institution’s long tradition of advocacy and activism. Don’t leave it behind. Carry it with you, and take on this challenge to bring truth to light.


To help you get started, let me offer some quick advice for dealing with modern-day sophists who try to obscure – and deny – truth.

为了帮助你们着手去做这些事,请让我提供一些明智的建议,以对待那些试图掩盖 - 否认 - 真相的现代诡辩者。

When those …when those in the political arena engage in name-calling and other schoolyard chants, and are trying to distract your attention away from the real issues and from their inability to address them or their unwillingness to put forward practical solutions –don’t be distracted.

当那些......当政客辱骂或在学校说大话时,他们试图转移你的注意力,让你不再关注实际问题,不再关注他们的无能或者不愿意提出切实可行的解决方案- 不要分心。

When they tolerate attacks on minority groups, especially those who profess a faith that some find threatening, they are empowering those who traffic in hatred – don’t tolerate it.

当他们容忍对少数群体的攻击,特别是可能会带来威胁的有信仰人士时,他们就会帮助那些饱含仇恨的人- 不要容忍它。

When they denounce journalists as ‘enemies of the state,’ and declare any critical coverage to be ‘fake news,’ and dress up lies as ‘alternative facts,’ they are trying to fool you into trusting only the news that comes from their mouths – don’t be fooled.

他们谴责记者是“国家的敌人”,并宣称任何重要的报道都是“假新闻”,并将谎言包装成“替代性事实”,他们试图欺骗你,让你只相信他们口中的新闻。 - 不要被愚弄。

When they exaggerate the risks we face from immigrants without talking about all the benefits they have brought to our country, they are preying on people’s fears – don’t let them get away with it.

当他们夸大移民给我们带来的风险,而不谈论移民给我们国家带来的所有好处时,他们正在利用人们的恐惧 - 不要让他们侥幸逃脱。

When they tell…try to tell you who you can love, or even who you can be, they are either pandering for votes or playing God –don’t put up with it.

当他们告诉你......试着告诉你,你可以爱谁,甚至是你能成为什么样的人时,他们要么正在取悦选民要么在扮演上帝 - 不要忍受它。

When they promise you a free lunch, or free college, or free medical care, or free income, remember that a bill always comes due –don’t let them pass the buck.

当他们向你保证免费午餐、免费大学、免费医疗或免费收入时,请记住账单总是要到期的 - 不要让他们推卸责任。

When they prevent speakers from being heard, by shouting them down or creating spaces where differing opinions are not permitted, they are trying to win arguments by bullying and censorship instead of facts and reason. Don’t let them suppress free speech even…even when you find that speech to be deplorable. Protecting their right to speak is the only way to protect your right to speak.


When people romanticize the past, just remember something my mother, who lived to 102, told me: the good old days were never that good.


And finally, when leaders wrap themselves in the flag, or the national anthem, and try to make you think that critics of your government don’t love and respect our country, real patriotism isn’t about honoring symbols. Real patriotism is about bringing truth to light, and when action is required, standing up and taking action.(592 words)



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